Basics of Defense

Three Types of Defense

Avoid: don’t be where the attack arrives

Create a void, an empty space, where the attack was supposed to land and let it miss you completely.  

Use the time to reset yourself, or the whole fight

Get their energy moving in the total wrong direction

Make them tired

Works when you have no plan

Works really well against a strong attack to manipulate their energy / position

Block: put something in the way of the attack and stop it

This typically stops the energy of an attack.

Often nearly perpendicular to the flow of their energy.

Allow the attack to intersect you, but in a different place

Considered meeting an attack with strength

Works when you have no plan

Last ditch

Deflect: redirect the energy of the attack somewhere else

Often parallel or inline, of at an oblique to the flow of their energy

Allow the attack to intersect you, but in a different place than intended

Need to have a plan for what comes next


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