Date Rape

 Date Rape Drugs can make sexual assault easier by:

  • making a person more compliant and less able to say no
  • weakening someone so they are unable to resist or fight back
  • making an individual fully or partially unconscious
  • weakening a person’s inhibitions so they consent to sexual activity they may otherwise decline

While some drugs are more known for use during a sexual assault, any substance that changes a person’s state of mind, including some prescription drugs, street drugs, such as heroin, and popular drugs, such as cannabis, can have uses for this purpose.

Below are the most common substances individuals use to facilitate a sexual assault:


Alcohol lowers a person’s inhibitions, making them less aware of their surroundings. Additionally, people readily consume the substance. It can also spur aggressive behavior by those willing to commit sexual violence, increasing their willingness to harm others.


Benzodiazepines are a class of anti-anxiety drugs that can also cause people to feel sleepy. Individuals can use several of these drugs, including Xanax (alprazolam) and Klonopin (clonazepam), to incapacitate someone for the purpose of sexual assault.

One of the most common and well-known benzodiazepine drugs individuals use in this way is Rohypnol (flunitrazepam). Rohypnol causes a person to feel very relaxed, weakens their muscles, and may cause loss of muscle control. Some people may also lose consciousness or feel dizzy and confused.

After Rohypnol wears off, some individuals do not remember what happened. Rohypnol comes in pill form, but a perpetrator can dissolve it in liquid, such as an alcoholic drink.


Ketamine is an anesthetic that acts quickly to cause feelings of relaxation. People may lose consciousness or become confused and compliant. They might not remember what happened while under the influence of the drug.

Ketamine acts almost immediately, so a person may not have time to realize that someone has drugged them.

At high doses, the drug can cause breathing problems that may be fatal.

Ketamine is a white powder that may change the taste of someone’s drink. Consequently, perpetrators sometimes use it in strong-tasting alcoholic beverages that may disguise the drug’s presence.

Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid (GHB)

GHB is a drug form of a neurotransmitter that naturally occurs in the body. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that help nerves send and receive signals.

GHB slows activity in the central nervous system, making users feel groggy, sleepy, and potentially confused.

At low doses, GHB can cause nausea and vomiting. Higher doses can cause loss of consciousness, seizures, difficulty seeing, and the inability to recall what happened when a person is drugged.

It is easy to overdose on GHB. People will commonly manufacture it in home “labs.” Consequently, a person may become extremely sick after being drugged with GHB, and it can be fatal.

GHB is a colorless, odorless liquid, so individuals may not realize that someone has drugged them.

Other date rape drugs

Someone can use any drug that changes a person’s consciousness to facilitate sexual assault.

In some cases, the individual might even ingest the drug willingly. A person who uses heroin, for example, may be so incapacitated that they do not realize a perpetrator is attempting to sexually assault them.

Recognizing the signs of being drugged

Some signs to watch for:

  • feeling or acting drunk despite a person not having drunk any alcohol
  • feeling confused or disoriented
  • losing consciousness
  • not remembering how someone got somewhere
  • being unable to remember anything after drinking
  • waking up feeling confused, hungover, or unable to recall the night before
  • experiencing genital or urinary pain and difficulty remembering what happened
  • discovering torn clothes

Date rape drug or severe intoxication?

It can be hard to distinguish the effects of a drug from those of alcohol, particularly after consuming large quantities of liquor.

People who are accustomed to the effects of alcohol should consider how they typically feel after drinking or when intoxicated. An unexplained change in a person’s reactions to alcohol could involve another drug.

Someone who feels significantly more intoxicated than usual should consider the possibility that an individual has drugged them.

The only way to know for sure is to seek medical testing.

What to do if you think you have been drugged

It is possible to lose consciousness quickly, so a person should not waste time trying to find the perpetrator or researching whether their symptoms match those of any drug.

Instead, they should immediately tell a trusted friend they suspect someone may have drugged them. They or a friend should call for emergency help by dialing 911, then get themselves to a safe place.

They may want to ask a friend for a ride home or go to a public location and tell someone about the drugging.

Next, they should seek emergency medical care. Drugs that people use for sexual assault usually leave the body within 12-72 hoursTrusted Source, leaving no trace. After going to the emergency room or calling 911, individuals should tell the doctor, nurse, or dispatcher that they may have been drugged and request immediate testing.

A person who wakes up to signs that someone may have drugged them must also seek emergency medical care. A hospital can use a rape kit to test for signs of sexual assault. If the police catch a perpetrator, they can use this kit to prove their guilt.

To preserve evidence, a person should avoid showering or bathing until after the exam is complete.

Someone who thinks they may have experienced sexual assault may want to consider contacting their local sexual assault crisis center. The center could send a support advocate to the hospital or offer phone counseling. To find a crisis center, click here.

How to identify date rape drugs

Many drugs are hard to identify, as they are often colorless, odorless, and tasteless.

However, Rohypnol will turn liquid blue in a light-colored drink, making it easier to recognize if someone has tampered with a beverage. Some other types of drugs might also taste slightly bitter or salty.

Protecting yourself

Some simple strategies that can help protect against being drugged includeTrusted Source:

  • not drinking anything that tastes or smells strange
  • not drinking large quantities of alcohol around strangers
  • adopting the buddy system — always go out with a friend and look out for one another.
  • never leaving a drink or cup unattended
  • never accepting a drink from a stranger or acquaintance
  • pouring your own drink where possible
  • never leaving with anyone after drinking


Sexual assault is never the survivor’s fault, yet many people feel guilty or ashamed. That guilt can prevent them from seeking medical care or reaching out for support to help them recover. Those who commit sexual assault are the only people responsible.

By acting quickly when a person thinks they might have been drugged or sexually assaulted, they can protect themselves, help catch the perpetrator, and potentially mitigate the dangerous effects of any drugs.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some common questions about drugs that people commonly use in sexual assault.

What is the number one date rape drug?

Alcohol is one of the most common and most widely available drugs. However, an individual can use any drug that alters a person’s state of mind as a date rape drug.

What is the date rape tablet called?

Rohypnol is a common type of sexual assault drug that usually comes in tablet form. Individuals can also snort it or crush and dissolve it in liquids.

How do I know I experienced a date rape?

Some possible signs of drug-related sexual assault includeTrusted Source:

  • unexplained bruises
  • bleeding
  • pain
  • having no memory for a certain time
  • waking up without any clothes
  • waking up with clothing that is torn, stained, or put on wrong

If a person believes they may have experienced drug-related sexual assault, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

Additional resources are available through the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. This is a nonprofit organization that provides free, confidential support for sexual assault survivors through the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline.

At Large Busy Parties and Clubs

Date rape drugs are extremely potent drugs that are used to make victims unaware of sexual attacks.  When under the influence of date rape drugs, the victim will be unable to fight off an attack and generally have no idea that they have been drugged.  Often the details of the attack will also be quite fuzzy, making it difficult to catch criminals that use them.

How Do Criminals Use Date Rape Drugs?

Date rape drugs are most often administered to victims when they leave a drink unattended.  Often referred to as “club drugs,” because they are most commonly slipped into drinks while people are at a night club or party, date rape drugs are generally odorless and colorless, and will not be detected when the victim returns to their drink.  Because the effects are strong and begin quickly, the criminal definitely has the upper hand once these drugs have been administered.  The victim will become quite disoriented and probably have trouble walking and talking.

What are Some Examples of Date Rape Drugs?

The most common date rape drugs that are used are Rohypnol, GHB (Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate) and Ketamine.  Each of these drugs is extremely potent and will take effect quickly, often within 15-30 minutes of being ingested by a victim.

How Can You Stay Safe?

First and foremost, never leave your drink unattended when you are in a public place.  Not even for a minute.  Take it with you at all times, even if you have to go to the bathroom.  Do not share your drink with anyone, even handing it to someone for a second may be long enough for them to slip something in.  If you are with a trusted—and sober—friend, you may feel safe enough to have them watch it for you. 

Second, try to watch the bartender prepare your drink, if possible.  Ordering a complicated mixed drink or something with strong fruity flavors can provide an opportunity for someone to slip something into your drink. 

Third, if your drink appears to have changed color, become darker or cloudy, do not drink it.  These changes can be difficult to detect in a dimly-lit club atmosphere (again, this is why this setting can be so attractive to criminals!), but it is always good to check. If you are unsure, there is a simple and inexpensive date rape drug test you can get and keep with you to help determine if your drink has been tampered with. 

What to Do If You Suspect Someone Has Drugged You

If you suspect that someone has slipped something into your drink, immediately stop drinking that beverage and seek help.  You may feel drunker than usual, or have additional symptoms of dizziness, slurred speech or difficulty walking.  If you are not with friends, call for emergency help or notify staff at the establishment to get help.  You may need to obtain medical attention, but above all, you must get yourself out of the dangerous situation and to a safe place—as quickly as possible.

While partying at night clubs is a popular and fun way for adults to have a good time, it can be very dangerous if you are not vigilant about your own personal safety at all times.  Have a good time, but always be careful!

We strongly keeping yourself safe with a simple and inexpensive test that can detect drugs in your alcoholic or non alcoholic drink:

5 Signs You Have Been Drugged With a Date Rape Drug

Date rape drugs are all too common in the night club and party scene.  It is extremely easy for a potential attacker to slip something into a drink when you are not looking.  These drugs are commonly used by sexual predators, as they will often have effects that make resisting an attack impossible.  Most people who have been drugged will tell you that they really don’t know exactly when or how it happened, that it “happened so fast.”  The most prevalent date rape drugs like Rohypnol, GHB and ketamine can take effect very quickly, and often, you will feel significantly impaired within 15-30 minutes of ingesting the drug.

Here are five warning signs that may indicate that someone has poisoned you with a date rape drug:

You feel more intoxicated that you should, considering how many drinks you may have had.  Most people who drink alcohol have a sense of their level of intoxication.  They know whether they can “handle” one, two or three drinks.  If you suddenly notice that you are feeling stronger effects than you are used to, stop drinking and immediately seek help.


You feel dizzy, lightheaded or “dreamy.”  Some people who have been drugged with date rape drugs report that they had a sense of being “out of their body,” as if in a dream.  They tend to lose their sense of time.  They could see what was happening around them, but they struggled to process events and keep up with conversations or situations.


You can become suddenly sleepy.  Once the effects of a date rape drug start, you may start to feel excessively sleepy.  While alcohol can also have a sleep inducing effect, adding date rape drugs to the mix can intensify this feeling, and, in fact, make sleep nearly impossible to avoid.  If you should suddenly become extremely sleepy, you may have been drugged and you should immediately seek help from employees at the club or call for emergency assistance.


You experience a significant loss of coordination.  Feeling like you are unable to control your limbs, walk straight or talk right are also signs of alcohol intoxication.  If you should experience a loss of coordination that does not seem appropriate for the amount of alcohol that you have consumed, you may have been drugged.


You experience hallucinations.  Many people report that they experienced hallucinations when they ingested date rape drugs.  These hallucinations can come in the form of visual disturbances, significantly blurred or “starry” vision, or hearing things such as rushing water, ringing in the ears or other sounds that are not truly present.

Above all, if you choose to frequent night clubs or party scenes, be very vigilant about your personal safety.  Consuming alcohol can lower your inhibitions, make you more vulnerable to being preyed upon by criminals, and more likely to participate in impulsive acts that can put you in harm’s way.   If you notice any of the above symptoms and think there is a chance that you have been drugged, seek immediate assistance, before it is too late.  Try to avoid putting yourself in situations where you are alone or only with strangers.  Be sure that your friends and family know where you are and who you are with, in the event that something should go wrong and you need immediate assistance.  It is important to have fun, but it’s also better to be safe than sorry!

We strongly keeping yourself safe with a simple and inexpensive test that can detect substances in your alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink:

Types of drugs

Many unsuspecting people have been victims of rape because a drug had been dissolved into their drinks while at a disco or pub. Awareness is crucial in avoiding such instances and so here is a list of common drugs used to indulge in date rape.

These date rape drugs function primarily by altering the behavior of a person. The typical characteristics of such drugs include inducing hypnotic behavior, sedative, amnesia or a dissociative state in the person. The drugs are often added to drinks or food, often without the person’s knowledge.

The types of drugs

There are mainly two groups of such date rape drugs, namely GHB or gamma-hydroxybutyric acid and the other group comprises Benzodiazepines. The latter group encompasses drugs like flunitrazepam, which is commonly called roofies or Rohypnol. Alcohol is also a commonly used substance to intoxicate the victim and indulge in rape.

Benzodiazepine drug groups

The drugs falling under this group are used in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, attacks, panic and other conditions. All of the drugs under this group function as date rape drugs. The drugs, which treat insomnia conditions can induce motor-impair, sedation and amnesia in the victim. The most common drugs used in date rape, falling under this category include Flunitrazepam namely Rohypnol, Midazolam, Temazepam namely Restoril etc. These induce hypnotic states in the victim and the most common and easily dissolved drug is Rohypnol. Rohypnol makes the victim unable to resist attack or any sexual assault. It can also induce amnesia, which means the victim will not remember the incident of rape. The drug Rohypnol has been banned from being imported into the US.

GHB groups

These groups of drugs have the same intoxicating effects as that of alcohol. However, they are far more intense in the effects produced. When dissolved with water, GHB cannot be visible to the naked eye and the victim may not be able to detect its presence in a drink. When ingested by themselves they taste salty but when diluted with drinks they are impossible to determine. While normal dosages of GHB range between 1.8 and 2.7 grams, to induce sedation states in victims, the doses need to be much higher.

Other drugs used

One other common date rape drug is called Chloral Hydrate. It produces hypnotic or sedative effects in the victim just as the Benzodiazepine group of drugs do. Drinks laced with Chloral Hydrate are commonly referred to as ‘Mickey Finn’.

Investigations to detect date rape drugs

Date rape drugs are very dangerous and immediate investigation is essential if the victim feels she has been violated. Blood tests should be performed immediately to detect traces of the above-mentioned drugs. If the person waits too long it can cause a negative confirmation of these drugs. There are commercially available date rape testing kits to ascertain the presence of such drugs. There are also testing strips or paper coasters, which change their color if dipped into the contaminated drink.


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